Monday, October 21, 2013


Whoops, I totally suck at keeping up with blogging. I haven't really felt like posting anything in a week or so though, haven't been up to it. I've been super emotional with everything going on right now....I'd be two weeks away from my due date today if I hadn't had the loss in February, and I've had several pregnancy announcements on Facebook recently so it's really stinging.

I had my appointment one week ago today and it went exactly how I expected. We talked about the obvious things going on with me: not ovulating, being overweight, the Provera not doing anything for me other than giving me awful periods.  I was to start taking Provera for 10 days and then go in a CD3 for bloodwork, however, with our vacation this weekend we would have been in Florida for CD3. I decided to wait it out until this week to start taking it.  Well that would have been all find and dandy if I wouldn't have O'd. I'm not 100% positive that I did, I'm more like 80% sure. On CD16 I had a "positive" OPK. I've never had super dark ones before, but this one was the closest thing I've ever seen. I've also been super picky about looking at them, making sure if the control had a streak in one part, the test line did too. I'm thinking this is why I haven't believed in seeing a true positive OPK. My temps follow suit with O being on CD16 as well as my I'm thinking I'm in the 2WW. My first one since February. I had a temp dip today, 5dpo, implantation dip? Heh, yeah no. I'm gonna ride it out, and test at 14 dpo. Trying so hard not to get my hopes up.....but it's so difficult not to. 

Phantom symptoms: Sore boobs and nipples, like holy shit nipps simmer down please....and I've been super gassy (sorry DH). Also, my CM has remained super fertile EW-ish. This is exactly what happened in February. I'm reading so much into everything as I'm super hopeful that something is actually happening with me this time around. 

This two week wait is awful. I want to start the Provera already so that I can go in as soon as possible for the blood work, but I also want to take an HPT in a week and have it be a BFP. Goddamit body, why you no cooperate when I really need you to?

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